Ekhaya’s Path to Peer Counseling

Ekhaya’s Path to Peer Counseling

Ekhaya found Baltic Street while going through her own emotional struggles. Originally she was drawn to the organization’s music and art programming and soon she was attending their Peer Support groups.

It was thanks to Peer Support that Ekhaya was able to get back in touch with who she was and started down the road to becoming a Peer Counselor herself. She learned how to “take responsibility for her own wellness”, found the tools that keep her well and now she is able to share those tools through her work at Community Links and the Healing Circle that she leads. Now it is Ekhaya who helps others move past their diagnosis to see that there is a bright future ahead of them.


In our next blog we will introduce you to Ekhaya’s Sangoma and her spiritual training that also played a key role in her recovery.