As independent filmmakers, we have been 100% funded by individual donations and ask for your continued support to cover distribution and marketing of this film! All donations to CRAZYWISE are tax-deductible and eligible for matching funds through the Northwest Film Forum, a 501(c)3 organization. Click on the donate button to contribute online via PayPal. Thank you!


Donate Button with Credit Cards

You can also send a check to: CRAZYWISE, c/o Northwest Film Forum  1515 12th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122 . Please make the check out to the Northwest Film Forum and reference CRAZYWISE in the memo line of the check. Also, be sure to include your name and address to received your tax receipt from the Northwest Film Forum. For matching donations, please specify the Northwest Film Forum and, if possible, reference CRAZYWISE.




From the entire CRAZYWISE team, our gratitude to every Backer who supported us during our 2014 Kickstarter campaign and our 2015 Online Fundraising Campaign!

