LAURA: Family & Friends–Supportive or Fearful?

LAURA: Family & Friends–Supportive or Fearful?

Our modern culture has a fascination with non-ordinary states of consciousness.  We also have a deep fear of those states, especially if they occur spontaneously and for no apparent reason.

Add to that the fear that a parent, spouse or close friend must feel when their loved one’s personality all of a sudden changes and their communication becomes impossible to understand.  Without having an understanding of what was happening, or any reference points other than they have ‘gone crazy’, would understandably scare the person experiencing a new reality and those that love them.

Laura shares the story of a friend who was able to be with her without getting upset or frightened when Laura was having an episode.  She lists the mental-emotional states of family and friends that helped her and the reactions that were frightening when she was experiencing a non-ordinary state of consciousness.

   NEXT  Laura’s non-ordinary states and creativity