Gina Nikkel: Hope and Recovery in Mental Health Care

Gina Nikkel: Hope and Recovery in Mental Health Care

Our visit with Gina Nikkel, Ph.D. at the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care (FEMHC) was filled with ideas about hope and change.


FEMHCsqFEMHC works to connect the passion of private philanthropy with the world’s top researchers and programs to bring recovery–based care and supports to every community. Gina’s lived experience dealing with families who have been transformed by a struggling son or daughter, informs her proactive approach to securing funding for the worlds best mental health research and new treatment models. Gina dreams that recovery-based programs like Open Dialogue, EASA, PREP, RAISE, and Soteria would be available for those that need them worldwide.

How can this dream become a reality? As Gina states, “If 1 out of 4 people have mental health challenges serious enough to warrant treatment, that means we better be having conversations with each other about what come next in our world…We need to do things differently.”